* New from SemWare * Version 4.4 of The SemWare® Editor Professional for Windows
SemWare is now shipping version 4.4 of The SemWare Editor Professional (TSE Pro)
for Windows.* We hope you will enjoy this Windows (GUI) version of The SemWare Editor
Professional. We have added many features to help you better take
advantage of the Windows environment, such as:
Single Instance Mode.
Keep the Editor Window "On Top" Mode.
Transparency Mode.
Show Line Numbers Mode.
Convenient way to display the current file in the default browser.
Convenient way to display a URL in the default browser.
Enhancements to the file pick lists.
More than a dozen new commands and editor variables to allow you to
further customize the editor.
As always, there are many other minor enhancements.
*Requires Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8/10
Single Instance of the Editor can be adjusted interactively by accessing the editor's Main-Menu then Options->Full-Configuration->System/File Options.
Center Popups can be adjusted interactively by accessing the editor's Main-Menu then Options->Full-Configuration->Display/Color Options.
ShowLineNumbers can be adjusted interactively by accessing the editor's Main-Menu then Options->Full-Configuration->Display/Color Options->Display Layout Options.
LineNumbers can be adjusted interactively by accessing the editor's Main-Menu then Options->Full-Configuration->Display/Color Options->Set Colors->Select Editing Colors.
Transparency can be adjusted interactively by accessing the editor's Main-Menu then Options->Full-Configuration->Display/Color Options.
KeepWinOnTop can be adjusted interactively by accessing the editor's Main-Menu then Options->Full-Configuration->Display/Color Options.
<Alt CursorLeft> goes up a directory in the file picker.
New key assignments in the win.ui:
<Ctrl T> transpose char
<AltShift T> transpose line
<CtrlShift T> transpose word
<Ctrl K \> delete horizontal whitespace
<Ctrl K C> comment selection/current line
<Ctrl K U> uncomment selection
The Quote macro now uses the .syn file to get comment information. No need to update the quote macro any more if you add a new language - just be sure you have a .syn file with a comment specification.
Now, in order to add a new language:
create a syntax file (either via the .txt method or the menus)
add the 'find the function string' to the .ui
add keywords for indenting to the .ui
create templates via the template macro
create a compile entry via the compile macro
modify spellchk.s as appropriate
New User Level Commands implemented as macros
• Macro Name: Delete-Blank
Included commands:
DelBlankLines - deletes blank lines around the cursor line
DelWhiteSpace - deletes blank space around the cursor
To use (substitute your key assignment for "key"):
• Macro Name: ShellExe (available from the Potpourri)
If a command line is passed, it is simply passed along to the Windows ShellExecute function. If a block is marked, the first line of the block is passed to the Windows ShellExecute function. You can use this to go to a URL in the default browser, or to send an email via the default mailer.
If you are editing an html file and would like to preview it in a Browser window, simply run ShellExe, and as long as the file extension is .htm or .html, the file will open in the default browser.
To go to a web page, mark the following URL and run ShellExe:
To send an email, mark any of the following addresses and run ShellExe:
James T. Kirk <james.t.kirk@starfleet.command.org>
mailto:James T. Kirk <james.t.kirk@starfleet.command.org>
_LINUX_, for use with the WhichOS() editor command.
_CENTER_POPUPS_, for use with the SpecialEffects editor variable.
• New Color Syntax Highlighting file for the following language:
ColdFusion (cf.syn)
• New Command-Line Options:
-1 to start/use a single session of the editor.
-1- to start a separate session of the editor.
• Obsolete Command-Line Options:
The "-c" (for color attribute set) and "-m" (for mono attribute set) command-line options are now obsolete.
• Current Editor options that are available on the Windows System Menu for the editing window:
Set Font... - Change the editor's current display font, size, and/or type.
Same action as is available from the editor's Main-Menu then Options->Set Font. See the editor's ChooseFont() command for details.
Copy Window to Editor Clipboard - Copy all the contents of what is currently being displayed in the editor's window to the editor's clipboard. This is handy for capturing error messages, menus, prompts, etc.