Download TSE Pro for Windows Test-Drive Versions
GUI version of the editor (Most popular)
You may download TSE Pro v4.4 for Windows Test-Drive (GUI version) (, 1,380,721 bytes)
from the following sites:
(Once downloaded, unzip file and run setup.exe)
For the GUI version, we are currently in the process of linking to additional mirror download sites to better serve you.
This page will be updated (above) with the links to these sites as they become available.
You may also download TSE Pro Console v4.4 for Windows Test-Drive (text mode version) (, 1,361,779 bytes)
from SemWare.
*Please note that some features of TSE Pro for Windows (GUI version) are not available in the Console version of the editor.
(Once downloaded, unzip file and run setup.exe)
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Last Updated: January 08, 2020